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LampLight on YouTube

Over the last couple of months we have officially launched our LampLight YouTube Channel. Here are some of the programs you can find on our new channel.

These pieces are dedicated to our campaign to preserve the fading oral histories of previous generations. Relive stories from the past. What was it like to live through World War II? ...or to experience wartime rationing? ...or to leave the only home you've ever known and ship out to another part of the world and face the horrors of battle? Find out in these first hand accounts of life, love and loss from a history that most have forgotten.

My Adventure! is a snapshot of amazing memories. Parades, walkthroughs, ride and attraction POVs, and more. Take a break from the monotony of your day and escape to somewhere new in these first person views of fun.

What's Next is our flagship program and the heart of our channel. This show is dedicated to family adventure. We live in a world where work, school, video games, mobile devices, sports, and a million other things are constantly pulling our families in different directions. Sometimes, a new adventure is just what we need to create memories and bring us together as a family. What's Next is the endless quest for that next great adventure. Whether it's a week at an amazing destination, a weekend getaway, or just a day trip to somewhere new, you should always have something on the horizon and always be asking "What's Next?"

Our goal in all of our content is to create fun, family friendly content. Programs that preserve memories and help to create new ones. And programs that encourage others to make their own memories. Please take a moment to check out our new channel. Support us by subscribing to the channel for updates on new content. And leave us some comments to let us know what you think.

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