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What's Next | Disneyland Resort

The focus of our What's Next program is to highlight the importance of family adventure. Spending quality time with your kids on a family vacation, weekend getaway, or even just a day at the park can make a world of difference in their lives as they grow and become more independent. And with countless extra activities, friends, and electronic devices constantly pulling on their attention, this family interaction becomes even more vital.

On this episode, however, we had a rare opportunity to shift our focus a bit. While spending quality time with the kids is important, it is also important to occasionally spend some quality time without the kids. Laci and I spend so much time working, taking the kids to school, taking the kids to soccer, helping with homework, going to church and dealing with all of the other random things that monopolize our lives. So whenever we have a chance to spend some quality one-on-one time together without the kids, we take it. Whether it's a trip, a date night, or even just a cup of coffee while the kids are in school, taking the time to connect as a couple without thinking about the kids is good for the whole family.

So when a recent training conference presented us with the opportunity to spend a couple of days in Disneyland without the kids we jumped on it. We did feel a little bad about going to the "happiest place on earth" and leaving the kids home so they didn't miss any school. But school is important right? And in the end we had an amazing trip, we spent some quality time together one-on-one, our relationship is stronger, and we therefore are able to better parent as a team. So going to Disneyland without the kids doesn't make us bad parents. It actually makes us good parent. Or perhaps I am just rationalizing because I really wanted to go to Disneyland. Take a look at our highlights in this episode and let us know what you think.

So parental philosophy aside, Disneyland was unbelievable! Any hard core Disney fan owes it to themselves to experience the park that started it all.

If you would like additional information on Disneyland or any adventure destination, just check out our LampLight Adventures site or fill out a free quote request.

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